Green Manure Phacelia Seeds

Phacelia Tanacetifolia is a quick growing hardy annual green manure that germinates at low temperatures and is ideal for sowing from March until September. It will grow up to 1m in height and is tolerant of cold temperatures and may over-winter if it's not too cold. It suits most soil...

from £3.45

Green Manure Caliente Mustard Seeds

Caliente Mustard is an excellent green manure that has biofumigant properties. (Biofumigation is the suppression of soil-borne pests & diseases by the release of naturally occurring gases). By combining the lush organic matter with the plants biofumigant properties the activity of beneficial soil microbes is increased, so they can outperform...

from £4.75

Green Manure Birdsfoot Trefoil Seeds

Birdsfoot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus), also known as 'Eggs and Bacon plant' is a low growing green manure that has excellent weed-suppressing properties. It is good at fixing nitrogen and if allowed to flower encourages bees & beneficial insects to the area which in turn pollinate veg crops. Birdsfoot Trefoil is...

from £4.25

Green Manure Field Beans Seeds

Field Beans are an overwintering green manure and are generally winter hardy. They germinate well in colder weather from September-November. Field Beans are particularly good on heavy soils and their deep roots are not only able to penetrate & break up the soil but fix nitrogen too. Its foliage will...

from £4.25

Green Manure Spring Mix Seeds

Our Spring mix includes Mustard, Tares and Italian Ryegrass which make an excellent combination to grow especially in early spring as they germinate at low temperatures. Mustard Mustard is quick growing and can be sown from March - September for a period of 2-4 months. It suits most soils and...

from £4.25

Green Manure Lupins Seeds

Lupins 'Blue Sonet' is a hardy annual green manure that can be planted from March to July and is part of the legume family. They suit light sandy acid soils and soils up to pH8 and are a hardworking leguminous plant that has very long tap roots that dredge up...

from £3.25

Green Manure Mustard Seeds

Mustard (Sinapsis Alba) is fast-growing green manure that can be sown from March to September. It has a growing period of 1-2 months and can reach 60-90cm tall. This half-hardy annual grows on most soil types but particularly likes fertile ones. It may require additional watering in dry periods especially...

from £2.95

Green Manure White Clover Seeds

White Clover 'Barblanca' makes as excellent long-term green manure. It has good frost tolerance and once established can last from 2-5 years. White Clover makes a good weed suppressant as it produces a fair amount of foliage and is able to fix nitrogen. White Clover 'Barblanca' is a low growing...

from £4.25

Green Manure Sweet Clover Seeds

Sweet Clover 'Yellow Blossom' is an aggressive green manure that grows rapidly and has very strong roots that penetrate hard compacted soils that helps to improve drainage. It also produces lots of leafy foliage that adds good organic matter to the soil when dug in which improves soil structure. It...

from £4.25

Green Manure Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek Green Manure is a quick-growing annual that can be ready to dig in 10 weeks from sowing. It can be sown from March to August and performs best on well-drained but slightly heavy soils. It will tolerate lighter ones if they are fairly moist. Fenugreek is an attractive bushy...

from £2.95

Green Manure Italian Ryegrass Seeds

Italian Ryegrass is an annual/biennial grass that is winter hardy and can be grown for up to 2 years but it will require cutting during the growing season to encourage new growth and prevent it going to seed in the 2nd year. It is good at suppressing weeds and although...

from £4.25

Green Manure Winter Tares (Vetch) Seeds

Winter Tares 'Vicia sativa', also known as 'Vetch' is a hardy annual that can be sown March-May or July-September for over-wintering. It is good at nitrogen-fixing and is extremely competitive against weed suppression, forming an aggressive canopy rapidly on heavier soils but avoid acid or dry soils and dig in...

from £2.95

Green Manure Yellow Trefoil Seeds

Yellow Trefoil 'Black Medick' is a low growing green manure that has excellent weed-suppressing properties. It is good at fixing nitrogen and if allowed to flower encourages bees & beneficial insects to the area which in turn pollinate veg crops. PLEASE NOTE THAT YELLOW TREFOIL IS OUT OF STOCK FOR...

from £2.95